Do you struggle with algae in your pond? Is green water the norm? It doesnt have to be! Our pond is always crystal clear.
Get the skinny on algae control in your pond, your fall checklist, renovating your lawn and the value of healthy trees.
See it here: September 2011 Info
Below is an exerpt from our July 2011 Newsletter. Check it out
That’s the most frequent question we get from clients. Everybody wants a set schedule to water their lawn or plants.
From the type of plants, to the weather, to the kind of soil, to varying micro-climes on the same lot, every landscape is different. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to watering.
There really is just one main rule of watering: Give the proper amount of water for the plant’s needs (keeping it healthy) before the plant uses up all the available water in the soil (and the plant dies).
This is a no-brainer really. Think of various plants and lawn as people. Everyone, whether old or young, big or small needs a certain number of calories to maintain (or grow) their size. Give them too many calories (or water if they are plants) and they will get fat and develop problems, or give them too little calories (or water) and they will not thrive, get sickly and die.
Keeping this in mind, is where you can avoid the silly notion that you can save water on your plants. You can’t reduce the amount of water your plants and lawn NEED. Period. You CAN, however be more efficient with the water you apply to give the proper amount of water WHERE and WHEN the plant needs it. OR you can select plants and lawn that REQUIRE less water to be healthy.
When should I water? Observation is the KEY. Take a lawn for instance. Since July is the hottest month, this would be a good time to try this test. Thoroughly water your lawn getting it nice and wet (without runoff ) and then check it every day. Look at the leaf blades first. Are they uniformly green or turning a darker, kinda dusky color? On closer inspection, are they flat and moist looking or are they folded and dry looking? Does the lawn spring back when you step on it or does your shoe leave footprints? Monitor your lawn for these telltale signs of drought stress and note how many days it takes for the stress symptoms to show up. Schedule your watering one day before the stress symptoms show up. Now you know how often to water (for now).
How MUCH should I water? When you feed a baby, you want most of it to go into the kid, not on the floor. Same with plants. If you apply water faster than the soil can absorb it, water will roll off the top of the soil into puddles or into the gutter and be wasted.
Try this: Note the time. Apply water slowly and evenly until the water starts to run off or puddle. Note how many minutes has elapsed since you started to water. That is the amount of time to water (for now).You could run the sprinklers longer, but it will just be wasted. Now stick a knife or screwdriver into the soil. How deep does it go in easily? That is how deep the water is getting into the soil and most likely how deep the roots are. It should be 4 to 6 inches minimum. If your lawn does not look healthy with that amount of water, increase the water time, but separate into multiple waterings two hours apart so it can soak in and not run off.
OK, once you’ve got your watering schedule for July, (the hottest month) we can adjust the time to run the sprinklers for the other months using the ET(EvapoTransporation rate) for your area .
Evapotranspiration (ET) is the loss of water to the atmosphere by the combined processes of evaporation (from soil and plant surfaces) and transpiration (from plant tissues). It is an indicator of how much water your crops, lawn, garden, and trees need for healthy growth and productivity.
We can calculate the percent reduction in water for other months, (July being 100%) using the average monthy ET for your area. Adjusting the water budget percentage on your sprinkler timer to the percentage closest to the average calculated.
Fall is a time of re-connecting with the earth and seeing a sense of balance come back to our lives.The landscape gets stripped down to the essentials while the plants prepare to sleep their renewing sleep. Digging in their roots a little deeper and farther, prepping for the coming year. The leaves drift downward and the wind swirls them into nooks and crannies here and there to decorate the winter with their subdued golds and reds. I love the colors of fall. So soothing…….If only the X#6@ leaves didn’t fall into my pond and clog up the pump!!
I was hoping we wouldnt have to cover the pond this year, but after the nth time cleaning the skimmer net today, I gave in and covered the darn thing. Now we will look at the canvas tarp covering the pond for a few weeks. ugh. I keep thinking I will take that tree down and every year, I let it go. not to mention the leaves clog up the channels in the roof and we have to clean them out before ( and during ) every rain. Glad I have a good rain jacket! but on the plus side, it IS invigorating going from the freezing rain to the toasty fireplace-warmed family room. I think people pay good money at health spas to do that. Hmmm and I get it for free!
There is nothing more beautiful and versatile than pavers for those areas you want to have vehicle or foot traffic on, but insist that it be long lasting as well as lovely. Pavers are the ultimate in durability, beauty and sustainability. Pavers are permeable so allow for rainfall to be absorbed by the soil. Much better than running off concrete surfaces and contributing to erosion.Very green!
If you are looking to install an area with pavers, you should keep in mind that its a lot of work! Here is a link to a great article in Wikipedia that will explain the process. . If you're not ready to do all that work yourself, give us a call and we can do the work for you.
Well, the relatives are on the way home from a hearty and fun Thanksgiving weekend and the "Holiday Season" has officially arrived. I like to think of the Fall and Winter months as a kick back time. As a landscaper, we get so busy from March through October, we barely have time to think. I LOVE the fall! The landscapes we install this time of year get a kick start next spring and look fabulous wayyyyy early. And this time of year, we actually have time to plan, organize and make improvements that will carry us through the next year and beyond.
Ask anyone who is responsible for the Thanksgiving or the Christmas dinner… fail to plan and you plan to fail! And just try to tackle the Black Friday sales without a plan and come up empty handed or worse, with something you have to wait in line to return. In holidays past, it sometimes took several women several hours to plan the attack on the various store sales to get just the right thing. I dont know how we did it without cell phones!
We have become an instant society and we are paying the price. In our parents day, they planned for every major purchase and most of the minor ones too. Now we are paying the price with our current economy for our desire for instant gratification to buy the biggest, best, car, house, boat, ….fill in the blank.
I get people all the time wanting to landscape their back yard right away for a big landmark birthday or anniversary party or wedding reception. Two weeks to the party they call you and want the landscaping in the next week, I mean really…you knew last year you were gonna be 40 this year didn't you?
With landscaping it is no different. Hey with a plan, there are very few surprises and things come off as expected and on budget and on time. I always say no, you dont need a landscape design to landscape unless……. you dont care if you spend too much and take too long and have to re-do something. Dont get me started on the landscape plans, bidding, scheduling and legal notices and wait times we have to do.
Here's to your Christmas list! Oh, and your New Year's Resolutions. Happy Planning!