winter bird houseToday has been a  lot warmer than last few weeks. Even though at home, the pond started to freeze again when I left for work this morning, when I got to Oak Hills at the job, I was working in a t-shirt! unlike the previous days when I was bundled up with several layers!  Today, my hubby put out a new LARGE bird seed block on the ground and a large hanging bird seed brick. Both just outside our bedroom window. A cat TV special for our kitties, Rocky and Romeo. They love to hang out on the hope chest by the window and watch all the birds. And there were LOTS of birds. I never counted less than 12 each time I looked. There were at least 4 different kinds as well. I need to get out my bird ID book and learn exactly who is hanging out there. Make sure you feed your birds. They will love you for it.

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