One of the main reasons I got into designing and installing landscaping was frustration. I helped maintain many home gardens and the thing I hated most was the unnecessary trimming of plants that were planted in the wrong spot.
Far too often, a plant was a beautiful plant and good for the general location according to climate, soil and desired look, but people often did not plan for the plant to grow to its mature size. Week after week…, I would have to prune back the growing ends of plants to detriment of the plant and the possibility for them to reach their fullest potential merely because they were planted where their size would be a problem as they grew. Time and money were spent to whip that plant back into the desired size, generating bushels and bushels of waste to be thrown away.
Just exactly where is “away” you (hopefully) ask? Why to the landfill. What is the problem with that? It will be buried where it will decompose, feed the earth and all that, and all will be good, right? Actually, no. In the landfill, the plant material gets broken down by anaerobic bacteria which produce carbon dioxide and methane gas, both of which are greenhouse gases and are contributing to the global climate change.
So by just choosing the correct plant in the correct location, you can cut down on your environmental footprint on the planet. A small thing, right? Well no single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood and every person can make a difference, because when they join together they are a formidable force.
OK, So I am always helping others with changing their landscapes and saving water to boot for others! Now it’s my turn. We have applied to the SaveOurWaterRebate program to switch out some cranky grass on our place. I made the application and took and sent 5 pictures and a copy of our water bill and we were approved for the program! Woo Hoo!!
I wanted to experience what you do when you apply and change to a drought tolerant landscape. So I will report here on how it all goes. Going to get $2000 back to mitigate our landscaping costs.
If you want to apply, Check it out here:
What is wrong with this picture? The photo shows something we find occasionally when we go out and do sprinkler work or landscaping for clients with existing irrigation systems. See the valves are very pretty. Tucked away in the ground in a box so you don’t have to look at them. Very professional looking, right?
These valves are anti-siphon valves. Anti-siphon valves allow water to only flow in one direction. For irrigation purposes, it prevents water from the system from… being siphoned back into the household water supply line. Essentially, it stops unsafe water from entering a clean water supply such as the water that comes from your faucets or shower heads.
Anti-siphon is a type of Backflow preventer and is an essential part of any plumbing installation which is connected in any way to a potable water source. They are required by building codes everywhere.
The anti-siphon valves need to be installed 6 inches HIGHER than the highest sprinkler head or line. This photo shows a very dangerous situation! The only way this would be OK is if there is a separate Backflow preventer properly installed before these valves.