High Desert

Apple Valley, CA call us to schedule your January rose pruning schedule. Last year, we were not too busy, but this year, we already have quite a few who will have us prune their roses, so call us to get on the schedule, right away.

Another new Composter meeting is scheduled. Just to let folks know about it. It is a fun and interesting “new” way to look at your garden.

Yes, the training is free!

There will be a Master Composter Training Class on Saturday, November 23 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Victorville City Hall, Conference Room D.

During the class, discussion will include backyard composting, vermicomposting (composting with worms), grasscycling, recycling, and becoming a Master Composter Volunteer.

Space is limited, so please RSVP by contacting Don Woo at MC_Coordinator@dnbvisions.com or 951-265-8699 to reserve or if you have any questions.

Hey, Its soooo nice out. I’m enjoying the sun. It’s been so wet lately. We had 5 inches of rain in just 5 days last week here in Phelan. I KNOW that all that rain  here in the high desert is going to stimulate all the weed seeds lurking under the soil just waiting for the opportunity to pop up and ruin your weekends this spring. It’ll be really nice and warm and all those weeds will be calling your name.


Get rid of them before they start. Put down a weed preventer, called pre-emergent. It works amazingly. We put down a lot of it this time of year for our clients. Some of our clients are smart and do it every year, sometimes twice a year before the weeds show up. Others, just wait it out hoping the weeds won’t show and they won’t have to spend the money. Dry years the gamblers sometimes win. Wet years, not so much.


I think Benjamin Franklin said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” I think this applies here.